Kensington Playout

August 25, 2012

By: Bud Pearce
Photos By: Bob Nelson
Video By:  Karen Hefter

A large crowd arrived early to enjoy the music that is not only familiar to them, but brings a smile to their faces as well! Nineteen members performed at this gig, most sporting straw hats. With Betty David at the lead, we quickly played through most of the tunes on Show List #1, and completed the hour with folks asking for more.

It’s clear they loved us because people spontaneously danced!

East Bay strummers included: Mickie McDonald, Don Granberg, Jesse DeTorres, Bud Pearce, Kit Nelson, Betty David, Chris Lardge, Bob Hodson, Deb Hodson, Phil Myers, Linda Myers, Karen Hefter, Guy Black Sheila Welt, Ardie Jarrett, Herb Moore, Ken Williamson, Bob Malucelli, and Diane Malucelli.

Bob Nelson photographed the event and sold CDs while Georgette DeTorres provided moral support.


“Bill Bailey” and “Just Because” from East Bay Banjo Club on Vimeo.